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networking advocating skills

The single skills are summarised in different headlines that illustrate what “networking and advocating” means for youth workers skill-wise. The “cluster headlines” do not name skills as such; these can be found through clicking on the lists.

It is crucial for networking to find partners and to understand the systems in which it can take place. + -

In detail, this means an ability to:

  • identify relevant partners in different environments (especially in an international setting)
  • network with a variety of external systems and actors
  • identify and name the European/international dimension in their work
  • research and access relevant information
Advocacy needs communication in order to reach out to the community, stakeholders and potential supporters. + -

Corresponding skills are:

  • to transfer/communicate and share the learning potential of international mobility experiences
  • to include other community members during or after the project for a wider impact
  • to create and disseminate digital contents such as videos, podcasts, memes, and digital presentation formats 
Within networks, power relations between partners are of importance. + -

For youth workers, this means being able to:

  • identify privilege and power relations and mechanisms
  • assess the consequences of privilege and power relations and their potential for acts of solidarity

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