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collaborating in teams attitudes

The single attitudes are summarised in different headlines that illustrate what “collaborating in teams” means for youth workers attitude-wise. The “clusters” do not name attitudes as such; these can be found through clicking on the lists.

As part of a team, youth workers have roles, take on duties and have certain responsibilities. + -

Corresponding attitudes are:

  • willingness to take on tasks that are not normally connected to their role but that will ensure safety for the team and the group
  • readiness to ask for support
  • readiness to reflect upon and rethink their own role
  • readiness to collaborate and teamwork online
To interact within the team and with the group is another aspect of one's role. + -

Therefore it is also good to have:

  • awareness of the specific position as a youth worker that goes beyond an individual one
  • awareness of the fact that youth workers are also role models, both as individuals and as members of a team
As individuals, team members learn and develop continuously. + -

Helpful attitudes for that are:

  • awareness of one’s own competences
  • readiness for continuous learning
  • openness to different sources of learning
  • readiness to admit one’s personal limitations in the context of the activity/group
Also, supporting the development of colleagues in teams contributes to successful collaboration. + -

This is reflected by attitudes like:

  • readiness to support colleagues’ learning needs
  • awareness of how much others can teach you
  • awareness of the principles of “to get and to give”
  • willingness to cooperate and learn from others who may hold different values

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