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civically engaged knowledge

The single elements of knowledge are summarised in different headlines that illustrate what “being civically engaged” means for youth workers knowledge-wise. The “cluster headlines” do not name knowledges as such; these can be found through clicking on the lists.

Youth workers have to know how and where young people can participate and be aware of the obstacles and challenges to engagement. + -

Thus, it is helpful to understand:

  • the systemic framework and specific mechanisms that influence young people’s meaningful participation and engagement with socio-political processes
  • how to use and challenge frameworks and systems that influence young people’s participation 
  • challenges to young people’s engagement (e.g., digital divide; social, cultural and personal biases) 
  • the impact of young people’s engagement on political and social developments
An awareness of political issues, their connections and impacts and information about policies and stakeholders is also important. + -

Therefore, youth workers should have:

  • an understanding of local, global and human rights issues, particularly sensitive and controversial ones, and knowing how they affect each other 
  • knowledge of relevant policy frameworks, political and social actors, stakeholders and community(ies) and their potential for impact 
  • an understanding of the potential risks of critical civic engagement processes in specific contexts

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