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assessing evaluating knowledge

The elements of knowledge are summarised in different headlines that illustrate what “assessing and evaluating” means for youth workers knowledge-wise. The “cluster headlines” do not name detailed knowledge as such; these can be found through clicking on the lists.

Youth workers need knowledge about theory/background of assessment and evaluation. + -

Thus, it is good for them to know about:

  • evaluation processes
  • assessment mechanisms
  • different phases of impact assessment
  • quality assurance and what it includes
  • how to measure change, including baseline measurements 
  • which change is measurable and how to include unmeasurable aspects in evaluation
Youth workers benefit from tools and methods for different stages in assessment and evaluation processes. + -

It is, therefore, helpful to know about:

  • assessment tools
  • methods to collect data and different formats for presenting it
  • where and how to secure adequate data/material for evaluation
  • how to apply the chosen evaluation approaches to a non-formal learning context
  • ICT-related techniques with regard to assessment and evaluation
It is helpful to have an overview about current youth research and of how to use results. + -

Youth workers benefit from knowledge about:

  • how to adjust the dissemination and use of results accordingly
  • current research which can support the evaluative process

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