The single attitudes are summarised in different headlines that illustrate what “assessing and evaluating” means for youth workers attitude-wise. The “clusters” do not name attitudes as such; these can be found through clicking on the lists.
Approaches and tools for assessment and evaluation are needed for implementing change. + -
The connected attitudes are:
- readiness to learn about evaluation and assessment
- openness to different evaluation and [self-] assessment approaches in non-formal learning environments
- awareness of the fact that no information/data is 100% reliable (with regard to its collection and use)
Youth workers contribute to processes of change. + -
Their attitudes may focus on:
- the readiness to be challenged and challenge others with regard to transformation
- their interest in processes of change
Outcomes of evaluation help to develop the practice of youth work and can be disseminated to generate change. + -
Thus, for youth workers helpful attitudes are:
- openness to evaluating their own impact on the project and vice versa
- willingness to find the learning and enact positive changes from more critical evaluation results
- readiness to think long-term about the impact of the project on participants’ respective communities, resources and the environment
- readiness to present and share the outcomes of a project to/with a wider audience