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Developing an educational approach based on the principles and values of non-formal learning + -



Knowledge of the concept and values of non-formal learning as an educational practice


  • Demonstrates an understanding of the values and key principles of non-formal learning

 Knowledge of ways and methods to identify learners’ needs

  • Demonstrates an understanding of different educational methods and concepts for needs assessment

Skill to assess/analyse learners’ needs

  • Assesses learners’ needs before or at the very beginning of the training activity

Skill to adjust the educational approach to learners’ needs

  • Addresses learners’ needs through an adequate and tailored educational approach
  • Makes adjustments if necessary

Ability to research and incorporate the community’s needs into a programme design, when applicable

  • Designs programmes that recognise the needs of the respective community

Ability to create opportunities for learners to feel and demonstrate solidarity with people with different values, beliefs and world views

  • Maximises opportunities in programme planning for learners to connect to others with different values

Openness and readiness for unexpected elements when defining the educational approach

  • Is comfortable with having a flexible and adjustable programme

Acceptance of the key concepts, values and consolidated practice of non-formal learning

  • Is comfortable with addressing and applying the principles of non-formal learning when designing a programme with a particular focus on ‘learner-centeredness’, ‘transparency’, ‘democratic values’, ‘participation’ and ‘social transformation’

Curiosity about learners’ needs

  • Demonstrates a genuine interest in learners’ needs
  • Where applicable, includes the community’s needs in the programme design
Transferring knowledge or values related to the activity to learners + -



Knowledge of the concepts and methods relating to the transferability of knowledge and values to the group of learners


  • Demonstrates an understanding of methods and approaches promoting an effective transfer of knowledge to the group of learners and addressing value systems
  • Confidently designs value-based learning processes

Skill to transfer knowledge and related values to the group of learners

  • Applies methods and approaches for the transfer of knowledge and values in learning processes

Commitment to standing for certain contents, knowledge and values in relation to the group of learners

  • Is comfortable with the contents, knowledge and values of the programme being challenged by the group of learners

Readiness to constantly adjust the contents and the values of the programme to the process of the group of learners

  • Adjusts the approaches and contents in accordance with the group of learners and learning environment, especially online
Integrating learners' socio-political backgrounds into the educational programme + -



Knowledge of the socio-political contexts of learners


  • Demonstrate an understanding of or researches the socio-political contexts of learners

Skill to deal with the socio-political contexts of learners

  • Interprets relevant information from/about learners
  • Adjusts the methods and approaches to learners’ contexts

Ability to include activities in the community during and after the project for wider impact, including hybrid and blended learning formats

  • Includes space for planning follow-up activities in learners’ communities, ensuring a sustainable, long-term impact
  • Includes activities in the hosting community, while utilising opportunities offered by hybrid and blended learning formats

Readiness to challenge one’s views on the educational approach with regard to the socio-political context of the learners

  • Constantly verifies the alignment between the methods and the contexts/realities of learners

Openness and sensitivity to socio-political contexts of learners

  • Shows interest in and sensitivity to socio-political contexts of learners
Where relevant, integrating ICT or E-Learning and other tools and methods into the educational activity + -



Knowledge of a variety of digital technologies, tools and e-learning-related techniques and principles in non-formal learning settings


  • Refers to relevant digital technologies, tools and related uses in non-formal learning settings
  • Applies digital technologies, tools and e-learning where necessary/relevant when planning, designing, delivering and evaluating activities

Knowledge of digital technologies, trends and developments

  • Identifies and recommends digital learning tools and resources to fulfil learners’ needs

Ability to use digital tools

  • Encourages learners to recognise/report unwanted online behaviour
  • Identifies participants’ digital literacy level and adjusts activities accordingly
  • Considers the possible digital divide separating learners when working online, and designs online activities in an inclusive way
  • Knows and applies copyright rules

Respect and knowledge of the tools and systems to acknowledge authors’ rights, such as copyleft, Creative Commons etc.

  • Prefers to use and promotes copyleft methods (i.e. Creative Commons licences) when possible, to ensure wider circulation of knowledge
  • Promotes the use of Open Educational Resources (OER), tools and materials

Skill to apply digital technologies and e-learning related techniques and principles in the educational programme

  • Connects ‘offline’ and ‘online’ learning environments and links them throughout the educational process

Openness to the challenges related to digital technologies and e-learning tools and techniques

  • Is comfortable with exploring and experimenting with digital technologies and tools
  • Is open to resistance to e-learning and makes efforts to overcome this resistance
Designing an evaluation process and impact assessement + -



Knowledge of evaluation processes and assessment mechanisms and tools


  • Is aware of different evaluation and assessment approaches and how to apply them

Skill to apply evaluations and impact assessment methods and principles for designing evaluation processes

  • Applies specific assessment methods and principles in evaluation processes

Skill to connect evaluation and impact assessments with relevant conclusions for further learning

  • Draws conclusions from the evaluation
  • Ensures that outcomes are based on the content of the evaluation and impact assessment

Openness to various evaluation and assessment approaches

  • Is comfortable with different evaluation and assessment approaches

Recognition of the importance of evaluation and impact assessment during and after the educational process

  • Accepts evaluation and impact assessment during and after the educational process as natural and important

Readiness to think long-term about the impact of the project on participants, the community, resources and the environment

  • Builds on resources and opportunities from partnerships to increase quality and impact of the project, including the use of digital tools to maintain that impact where appropriate
  • Uses resources efficiently, being respectful to the local and global environment
Choosing appropriate methods for collecting, interpreting and disseminating information + -



Knowledge of different ways to collect information


  • Refers to various ways of collecting information

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance when collecting digital information

  • Knows and applies the GDPR when collecting, processing and sharing data
  • Identifies and prevents risks connected to collecting and sharing data

Skill to collect, choose, interpret and use information according to the context of the activity

  • Defines appropriate and GDPR-compliant ways to collect and process information
  • Identifies the information relevant to an issue or a question
  • Interprets the information according to the context of the activity
  • Makes relevant use of quantitative and qualitative data
  • Knows about power structures behind digital technologies and related issues such as datafication, etc.

Openness to the ambiguity inherent in the information collected and to its use

  • Is comfortable with uncertainty when dealing with and using the collected information

Recognition of the importance of collecting and using information

  • Sees the collection and use of information as natural and important

Ability to create and disseminate digital learning content

  • Uses digital communication tools adequately
  • Is able to manage digital presentation formats
  • Is able to create or collaborate on the creation of digital content such as videos, podcasts and memes

Commitment to disseminate and use results of the project to build social capital in and around the (online or offline) community

  • Takes responsible decisions so as to create a positive long-term impact on the community and the environment
  • Works towards increasing trust and positive relationships to strengthen connections and networks between individuals and organisations in the community
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