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intercultural sensitivity knowledge

The elements of knowledge are summarised in different headlines that illustrate what “displaying intercultural sensitivity” means for youth workers knowledge-wise. The “cluster headlines” do not name detailed knowledge as such; these can be found through clicking on the lists.

Identity-related aspects and ambiguity are at the heart of intercultural processes. + -

Thus, youth workers need some knowledge about mechanisms and concepts related to culture, identity, values etc. such as:

  • identity-related mechanisms and theories
  • knowledge of the mechanism of bias and how it affects feeling and acting 
  • knowledge of how a cultural environment can shape the understanding of different concepts (such as solidarity or inclusion)
  • knowledge of the concept of a European identity, the values behind and ways in which it encourages solidarity
Power, discrimination and other political issues are important for this competence area. + -

Thus, youth workers need knowledge about:

  • theories and concepts of privilege and power relations
  • mechanisms linked to stereotypical constructions of reality
  • discrimination mechanisms and how to address them
  • human rights
Approaches and methods are needed to deal with challenges and to stimulate learning processes. + -

Thus, it is good to know about:

  • methods that deal with diversity, culture, identity, discrimination
  • human rights education methods
  • notions and concepts of acceptance of ambiguity and change
Another factor here is language. + -

For youth workers it is helpful to know how to:

  • speak at least one foreign language

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